ГидроТерапия -
терапия ран во влажной среде всего в два этапа
У вас плохо заживает рана и лечащий врач назначил вам ГидроТерапию?
ГидроТерапия – это инновационная терапия хронических ран во влажной среде с использованием всего лишь двух повязок.
ГидроТерапия – это инновационная терапия хронических ран во влажной среде с использованием всего лишь двух повязок.
Смена вида
Этап 1: HydroClean® plus
Гидроактивная абсорбирующая повзяка с уникальным механизмом «Промывание – Абсорбция» для подготовки ложа раны.[1, 4, 7, 9]
Этап 2: HydroTac®
Гидроактивная губчатая повязка с уникальной технологией AquaClear gel для ускорения закрытия ран.[7,8]
Для каких ран предназначена ГидроТерапия
Для большинства хронических и острых ран [1, 2, 12, 13]
Сухие раны
Сухие раны
Острые раны
Откройте для себя преимущества ГидроТерапии
Всего два вида инновационных повязок HydroClean® plus и HydroTac® для полного курса терапии

Начните терапию ран во влажной среде всего с двумя видами повязок
Способствует заживлению большинства хронических и острых ран [4, 5, 9 -11]
[1-13] Литература по теме ГидроТерапия
[1] Humbert, P. et al. (2014). Protease-modulating polyacrylate-based hydrogel stimulates wound bed preparation in venous leg ulcers – a randomized ontrolled trial. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 28(12), pp. 1742-1750.
[2] Kaspar, D. (2011). Therapeutic effectiveness, compatibility and handling in the daily routine of hospitals or physicians’s practices. HARTMANN Data on file: Hydro-Responsive Wound Dressing (HRWD) and AquaClear Technology are trademarks of HARTMANN.
[3] Knestele, M (2004). The treatment of problematic wounds with HydroClean plus – tried and tested over many years in clinical practice. HARTMANN Data on file.
[4] Atkin, L. and Ousey, K. (2016). Wound bed preparation: A novel approach using HydroTherapy. British Journal of Community Nursing 21 (Supplt. 12), pp.S23-S28.
[5] Ousey, K. et al. (2016). Hydro-Responsive Wound Dressings simplify T.I.M.E. wound management framework. British Journal of Community Nursing 21(upplt. 12), pp. S39-S49.
[6] Humbert, P. et al. (2014). Protease-modulating polyacrylate-based hydrogel stimulates wound bed preparation in venous leg ulcers – a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 28(12), pp. 1742-1750.
[7] Smola, H. (2016). Simplified treatment options require highperformance dressings – from molecular mechanisms to intelligent dressing choices. EWMA 2016. Bremen, 11-13 May, 2016.
[8] Smola, H. et al. (2016). Hydrated polyurethane polymers to increase growth factor bioavailability in wound healing. Hydro-Therapy Symposium: A New Perspective on Wound Cleansing, Debridement and Healing. London, 3 March, 2016.
[9] Ousey, K. et al. (2016). HydroTherapy Made Easy. Wounds UK 12(4).
[10] Spruce, P. et al. (2016). Introducing HydroClean® plus for wound-bed preparation: a case series. Wounds International 7(1), pp. 26-32.
[11] Ousey, K. et al. (2016). HydroClean® plus: a new perspective to wound cleansing and debridement. Wounds UK 12(1), pp. 94-104.
[12] ISBN Monograph. 978-1-944788-63-6-ISBN Services
[13] Kaspar, D. (2011). Therapeutic effectiveness, compatibilityand handling in the daily routine of hospitals or physicians’s practices. HARTMANN Data on file: Hydro-ResponsiveWound Dressing (HRWD) and AquaClear Technology are trademarks of HARTMANN
[2] Kaspar, D. (2011). Therapeutic effectiveness, compatibility and handling in the daily routine of hospitals or physicians’s practices. HARTMANN Data on file: Hydro-Responsive Wound Dressing (HRWD) and AquaClear Technology are trademarks of HARTMANN.
[3] Knestele, M (2004). The treatment of problematic wounds with HydroClean plus – tried and tested over many years in clinical practice. HARTMANN Data on file.
[4] Atkin, L. and Ousey, K. (2016). Wound bed preparation: A novel approach using HydroTherapy. British Journal of Community Nursing 21 (Supplt. 12), pp.S23-S28.
[5] Ousey, K. et al. (2016). Hydro-Responsive Wound Dressings simplify T.I.M.E. wound management framework. British Journal of Community Nursing 21(upplt. 12), pp. S39-S49.
[6] Humbert, P. et al. (2014). Protease-modulating polyacrylate-based hydrogel stimulates wound bed preparation in venous leg ulcers – a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 28(12), pp. 1742-1750.
[7] Smola, H. (2016). Simplified treatment options require highperformance dressings – from molecular mechanisms to intelligent dressing choices. EWMA 2016. Bremen, 11-13 May, 2016.
[8] Smola, H. et al. (2016). Hydrated polyurethane polymers to increase growth factor bioavailability in wound healing. Hydro-Therapy Symposium: A New Perspective on Wound Cleansing, Debridement and Healing. London, 3 March, 2016.
[9] Ousey, K. et al. (2016). HydroTherapy Made Easy. Wounds UK 12(4).
[10] Spruce, P. et al. (2016). Introducing HydroClean® plus for wound-bed preparation: a case series. Wounds International 7(1), pp. 26-32.
[11] Ousey, K. et al. (2016). HydroClean® plus: a new perspective to wound cleansing and debridement. Wounds UK 12(1), pp. 94-104.
[12] ISBN Monograph. 978-1-944788-63-6-ISBN Services
[13] Kaspar, D. (2011). Therapeutic effectiveness, compatibilityand handling in the daily routine of hospitals or physicians’s practices. HARTMANN Data on file: Hydro-ResponsiveWound Dressing (HRWD) and AquaClear Technology are trademarks of HARTMANN

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